{"version":3,"file":"ckeditor.js","sources":["webpack://ClassicEditor/ckeditor.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*!\n * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.\n * For licensing, see LICENSE.md.\n */\n(function(t){const e=t[\"en\"]=t[\"en\"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{\"%0 of %1\":\"%0 of %1\",\"Align cell text to the bottom\":\"Align cell text to the bottom\",\"Align cell text to the center\":\"Align cell text to the center\",\"Align cell text to the left\":\"Align cell text to the left\",\"Align cell text to the middle\":\"Align cell text to the middle\",\"Align cell text to the right\":\"Align cell text to the right\",\"Align cell text to the top\":\"Align cell text to the top\",\"Align center\":\"Align center\",\"Align left\":\"Align left\",\"Align right\":\"Align right\",\"Align table to the left\":\"Align table to the left\",\"Align table to the right\":\"Align table to the right\",Alignment:\"Alignment\",\"Almost equal to\":\"Almost equal to\",Angle:\"Angle\",\"Approximately equal to\":\"Approximately equal to\",Aquamarine:\"Aquamarine\",\"Asterisk operator\":\"Asterisk operator\",\"Austral 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sign\",Green:\"Green\",\"Green marker\":\"Green marker\",\"Green pen\":\"Green pen\",Grey:\"Grey\",Groove:\"Groove\",\"Guarani sign\":\"Guarani sign\",\"Header column\":\"Header column\",\"Header row\":\"Header row\",Heading:\"Heading\",\"Heading 1\":\"Heading 1\",\"Heading 2\":\"Heading 2\",\"Heading 3\":\"Heading 3\",\"Heading 4\":\"Heading 4\",\"Heading 5\":\"Heading 5\",\"Heading 6\":\"Heading 6\",Height:\"Height\",Highlight:\"Highlight\",\"Horizontal ellipsis\":\"Horizontal ellipsis\",\"Horizontal line\":\"Horizontal line\",\"Horizontal text alignment toolbar\":\"Horizontal text alignment toolbar\",\"Hryvnia sign\":\"Hryvnia sign\",\"HTML snippet\":\"HTML snippet\",Huge:\"Huge\",\"Identical to\":\"Identical to\",\"Image resize list\":\"Image resize list\",\"Image toolbar\":\"Image toolbar\",\"image widget\":\"image widget\",\"Increase indent\":\"Increase indent\",\"Indian rupee sign\":\"Indian rupee sign\",Infinity:\"Infinity\",Insert:\"Insert\",\"Insert column left\":\"Insert 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letter l with acute\":\"Latin capital letter l with acute\",\"Latin capital letter l with caron\":\"Latin capital letter l with caron\",\"Latin capital letter l with cedilla\":\"Latin capital letter l with cedilla\",\"Latin capital letter l with middle dot\":\"Latin capital letter l with middle dot\",\"Latin capital letter l with stroke\":\"Latin capital letter l with stroke\",\"Latin capital letter n with acute\":\"Latin capital letter n with acute\",\"Latin capital letter n with caron\":\"Latin capital letter n with caron\",\"Latin capital letter n with cedilla\":\"Latin capital letter n with cedilla\",\"Latin capital letter o with breve\":\"Latin capital letter o with breve\",\"Latin capital letter o with double acute\":\"Latin capital letter o with double acute\",\"Latin capital letter o with macron\":\"Latin capital letter o with macron\",\"Latin capital letter r with acute\":\"Latin capital letter r with acute\",\"Latin capital letter r with caron\":\"Latin capital letter r with 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above\":\"Latin capital letter u with ring above\",\"Latin capital letter u with tilde\":\"Latin capital letter u with tilde\",\"Latin capital letter w with circumflex\":\"Latin capital letter w with circumflex\",\"Latin capital letter y with circumflex\":\"Latin capital letter y with circumflex\",\"Latin capital letter y with diaeresis\":\"Latin capital letter y with diaeresis\",\"Latin capital letter z with acute\":\"Latin capital letter z with acute\",\"Latin capital letter z with caron\":\"Latin capital letter z with caron\",\"Latin capital letter z with dot above\":\"Latin capital letter z with dot above\",\"Latin capital ligature ij\":\"Latin capital ligature ij\",\"Latin capital ligature oe\":\"Latin capital ligature oe\",\"Latin small letter a with breve\":\"Latin small letter a with breve\",\"Latin small letter a with macron\":\"Latin small letter a with macron\",\"Latin small letter a with ogonek\":\"Latin small letter a with ogonek\",\"Latin small letter c with acute\":\"Latin small letter c with acute\",\"Latin small letter c with caron\":\"Latin small letter c with caron\",\"Latin small letter c with circumflex\":\"Latin small letter c with circumflex\",\"Latin small letter c with dot above\":\"Latin small letter c with dot above\",\"Latin small letter d with caron\":\"Latin small letter d with caron\",\"Latin small letter d with stroke\":\"Latin small letter d with stroke\",\"Latin small letter dotless i\":\"Latin small letter dotless i\",\"Latin small letter e with breve\":\"Latin small letter e with breve\",\"Latin small letter e with caron\":\"Latin small letter e with caron\",\"Latin small letter e with dot above\":\"Latin small letter e with dot above\",\"Latin small letter e with macron\":\"Latin small letter e with macron\",\"Latin small letter e with ogonek\":\"Latin small letter e with ogonek\",\"Latin small letter eng\":\"Latin small letter eng\",\"Latin small letter f with hook\":\"Latin small letter f with hook\",\"Latin small letter g with breve\":\"Latin small letter g with breve\",\"Latin small letter g with cedilla\":\"Latin small letter g with cedilla\",\"Latin small letter g with circumflex\":\"Latin small letter g with circumflex\",\"Latin small letter g with dot above\":\"Latin small letter g with dot above\",\"Latin small letter h with circumflex\":\"Latin small letter h with circumflex\",\"Latin small letter h with stroke\":\"Latin small letter h with stroke\",\"Latin small letter i with breve\":\"Latin small letter i with breve\",\"Latin small letter i with macron\":\"Latin small letter i with macron\",\"Latin small letter i with ogonek\":\"Latin small letter i with ogonek\",\"Latin small letter i with tilde\":\"Latin small letter i with tilde\",\"Latin small letter j with circumflex\":\"Latin small letter j with circumflex\",\"Latin small letter k with cedilla\":\"Latin small letter k with cedilla\",\"Latin small letter kra\":\"Latin small letter kra\",\"Latin small letter l with acute\":\"Latin small letter l with acute\",\"Latin small letter l with caron\":\"Latin small letter l with caron\",\"Latin small letter l with cedilla\":\"Latin small letter l with cedilla\",\"Latin small letter l with middle dot\":\"Latin small letter l with middle dot\",\"Latin small letter l with stroke\":\"Latin small letter l with stroke\",\"Latin small letter long s\":\"Latin small letter long s\",\"Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe\":\"Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe\",\"Latin small letter n with acute\":\"Latin small letter n with acute\",\"Latin small letter n with caron\":\"Latin small letter n with caron\",\"Latin small letter n with cedilla\":\"Latin small letter n with cedilla\",\"Latin small letter o with breve\":\"Latin small letter o with breve\",\"Latin small letter o with double acute\":\"Latin small letter o with double acute\",\"Latin small letter o with macron\":\"Latin small letter o with macron\",\"Latin small letter r with acute\":\"Latin small letter r with acute\",\"Latin small letter r with caron\":\"Latin small letter r with caron\",\"Latin small letter r with cedilla\":\"Latin small letter r with cedilla\",\"Latin small letter s with acute\":\"Latin small letter s with acute\",\"Latin small letter s with caron\":\"Latin small letter s with caron\",\"Latin small letter s with cedilla\":\"Latin small letter s with cedilla\",\"Latin small letter s with circumflex\":\"Latin small letter s with circumflex\",\"Latin small letter t with caron\":\"Latin small letter t with caron\",\"Latin small letter t with cedilla\":\"Latin small letter t with cedilla\",\"Latin small letter t with stroke\":\"Latin small letter t with stroke\",\"Latin small letter u with breve\":\"Latin small letter u with breve\",\"Latin small letter u with double acute\":\"Latin small letter u with double acute\",\"Latin small letter u with macron\":\"Latin small letter u with macron\",\"Latin small letter u with ogonek\":\"Latin small letter u with ogonek\",\"Latin small letter u with ring above\":\"Latin small letter u with ring above\",\"Latin small letter u with tilde\":\"Latin small letter u with tilde\",\"Latin small letter w with circumflex\":\"Latin small letter w with circumflex\",\"Latin small letter y with circumflex\":\"Latin small letter y with circumflex\",\"Latin small letter z with acute\":\"Latin small letter z with acute\",\"Latin small letter z with caron\":\"Latin small letter z with caron\",\"Latin small letter z with dot above\":\"Latin small letter z with dot above\",\"Latin small ligature ij\":\"Latin small ligature ij\",\"Latin small ligature oe\":\"Latin small ligature oe\",\"Left aligned image\":\"Left aligned image\",\"Left double quotation mark\":\"Left double quotation mark\",\"Left single quotation mark\":\"Left single quotation mark\",\"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark\":\"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark\",\"leftwards arrow to bar\":\"leftwards arrow to bar\",\"leftwards dashed arrow\":\"leftwards 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product\",\"N-ary summation\":\"N-ary summation\",Nabla:\"Nabla\",\"Naira sign\":\"Naira sign\",\"New sheqel sign\":\"New sheqel sign\",Next:\"Next\",\"No preview available\":\"No preview available\",None:\"None\",\"Nordic mark sign\":\"Nordic mark sign\",\"Not an element of\":\"Not an element of\",\"Not equal to\":\"Not equal to\",\"Not sign\":\"Not sign\",\"Numbered List\":\"Numbered List\",\"Numbered list styles toolbar\":\"Numbered list styles toolbar\",\"on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above\":\"on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above\",\"Open in a new tab\":\"Open in a new tab\",\"Open link in new tab\":\"Open link in new tab\",Orange:\"Orange\",Original:\"Original\",Outset:\"Outset\",Overline:\"Overline\",Padding:\"Padding\",Paragraph:\"Paragraph\",\"Paragraph sign\":\"Paragraph sign\",\"Partial differential\":\"Partial differential\",\"Paste raw HTML here...\":\"Paste raw HTML here...\",\"Paste the media URL in the input.\":\"Paste the media URL in the input.\",\"Per mille sign\":\"Per mille sign\",\"Per ten thousand sign\":\"Per ten thousand sign\",\"Peseta sign\":\"Peseta sign\",\"Peso sign\":\"Peso sign\",\"Pink marker\":\"Pink marker\",\"Plus-minus sign\":\"Plus-minus sign\",\"Pound sign\":\"Pound sign\",Previous:\"Previous\",\"Proportional to\":\"Proportional to\",Purple:\"Purple\",\"Question exclamation mark\":\"Question exclamation mark\",Red:\"Red\",\"Red pen\":\"Red pen\",Redo:\"Redo\",\"Registered sign\":\"Registered sign\",\"Remove color\":\"Remove color\",\"Remove Format\":\"Remove Format\",\"Remove highlight\":\"Remove highlight\",\"Resize image\":\"Resize image\",\"Resize image to %0\":\"Resize image to %0\",\"Resize image to the original size\":\"Resize image to the original size\",\"Reversed paragraph sign\":\"Reversed paragraph sign\",\"Rich Text Editor\":\"Rich Text Editor\",\"Rich Text Editor, %0\":\"Rich Text Editor, %0\",Ridge:\"Ridge\",\"Right aligned image\":\"Right aligned image\",\"Right double quotation mark\":\"Right double quotation mark\",\"Right single quotation mark\":\"Right single quotation mark\",\"Right-pointing double angle quotation mark\":\"Right-pointing double angle quotation mark\",\"rightwards arrow to bar\":\"rightwards arrow to bar\",\"rightwards dashed arrow\":\"rightwards dashed arrow\",\"rightwards double arrow\":\"rightwards double arrow\",Row:\"Row\",\"Ruble sign\":\"Ruble sign\",\"Rupee sign\":\"Rupee sign\",Save:\"Save\",\"Save changes\":\"Save changes\",\"Section sign\":\"Section sign\",\"Select all\":\"Select all\",\"Select column\":\"Select column\",\"Select row\":\"Select row\",\"Show more items\":\"Show more items\",\"Side image\":\"Side image\",\"Single left-pointing angle quotation mark\":\"Single left-pointing angle quotation mark\",\"Single low-9 quotation mark\":\"Single low-9 quotation mark\",\"Single right-pointing angle quotation mark\":\"Single right-pointing angle quotation mark\",Small:\"Small\",Solid:\"Solid\",\"soon with rightwards arrow above\":\"soon with rightwards arrow above\",\"Special characters\":\"Special characters\",\"Spesmilo sign\":\"Spesmilo sign\",\"Split cell horizontally\":\"Split cell horizontally\",\"Split cell vertically\":\"Split cell vertically\",Square:\"Square\",\"Square root\":\"Square root\",Strikethrough:\"Strikethrough\",Style:\"Style\",Subscript:\"Subscript\",Superscript:\"Superscript\",\"Table alignment toolbar\":\"Table alignment toolbar\",\"Table cell text alignment\":\"Table cell text alignment\",\"Table properties\":\"Table properties\",\"Table toolbar\":\"Table toolbar\",\"Tenge sign\":\"Tenge sign\",\"Text alignment\":\"Text alignment\",\"Text alignment toolbar\":\"Text alignment toolbar\",\"Text alternative\":\"Text alternative\",\"Text highlight toolbar\":\"Text highlight toolbar\",'The color is invalid. Try \"#FF0000\" or \"rgb(255,0,0)\" or \"red\".':'The color is invalid. Try \"#FF0000\" or \"rgb(255,0,0)\" or \"red\".',\"The URL must not be empty.\":\"The URL must not be empty.\",'The value is invalid. Try \"10px\" or \"2em\" or simply \"2\".':'The value is invalid. Try \"10px\" or \"2em\" or simply \"2\".',\"There exists\":\"There exists\",\"This link has no URL\":\"This link has no URL\",\"This media URL is not supported.\":\"This media URL is not supported.\",\"Tilde operator\":\"Tilde operator\",Tiny:\"Tiny\",\"Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.\":\"Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.\",\"Toggle the circle list style\":\"Toggle the circle list style\",\"Toggle the decimal list style\":\"Toggle the decimal list style\",\"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style\":\"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style\",\"Toggle the disc list style\":\"Toggle the disc list style\",\"Toggle the lower–latin list style\":\"Toggle the lower–latin list style\",\"Toggle the lower–roman list style\":\"Toggle the lower–roman list style\",\"Toggle the square list style\":\"Toggle the square list style\",\"Toggle the upper–latin list style\":\"Toggle the upper–latin list style\",\"Toggle the upper–roman list style\":\"Toggle the upper–roman list style\",\"top with upwards arrow above\":\"top with upwards arrow above\",\"Trade mark sign\":\"Trade mark sign\",\"Tugrik sign\":\"Tugrik sign\",\"Turkish lira sign\":\"Turkish lira sign\",Turquoise:\"Turquoise\",\"Two dot leader\":\"Two dot leader\",Underline:\"Underline\",Undo:\"Undo\",Union:\"Union\",Unlink:\"Unlink\",\"up down arrow with base\":\"up down arrow with base\",Update:\"Update\",\"Update image URL\":\"Update image URL\",\"Upload failed\":\"Upload failed\",\"Upload in progress\":\"Upload in progress\",\"Upper-latin\":\"Upper-latin\",\"Upper-roman\":\"Upper-roman\",\"upwards arrow to bar\":\"upwards arrow to bar\",\"upwards dashed arrow\":\"upwards dashed arrow\",\"upwards double arrow\":\"upwards double arrow\",\"Vertical text alignment toolbar\":\"Vertical text alignment toolbar\",\"Vulgar fraction one half\":\"Vulgar fraction one half\",\"Vulgar fraction one quarter\":\"Vulgar fraction one quarter\",\"Vulgar fraction three quarters\":\"Vulgar fraction three quarters\",White:\"White\",\"Widget toolbar\":\"Widget toolbar\",Width:\"Width\",\"Won sign\":\"Won sign\",\"Words: %0\":\"Words: %0\",Yellow:\"Yellow\",\"Yellow marker\":\"Yellow marker\",\"Yen sign\":\"Yen sign\"})})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));(function t(e,n){if(typeof exports===\"object\"&&typeof module===\"object\")module.exports=n();else if(typeof define===\"function\"&&define.amd)define([],n);else if(typeof exports===\"object\")exports[\"ClassicEditor\"]=n();else e[\"ClassicEditor\"]=n()})(window,(function(){return function(t){var e={};function n(i){if(e[i]){return e[i].exports}var o=e[i]={i:i,l:false,exports:{}};t[i].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,n);o.l=true;return o.exports}n.m=t;n.c=e;n.d=function(t,e,i){if(!n.o(t,e)){Object.defineProperty(t,e,{enumerable:true,get:i})}};n.r=function(t){if(typeof Symbol!==\"undefined\"&&Symbol.toStringTag){Object.defineProperty(t,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:\"Module\"})}Object.defineProperty(t,\"__esModule\",{value:true})};n.t=function(t,e){if(e&1)t=n(t);if(e&8)return t;if(e&4&&typeof t===\"object\"&&t&&t.__esModule)return t;var i=Object.create(null);n.r(i);Object.defineProperty(i,\"default\",{enumerable:true,value:t});if(e&2&&typeof t!=\"string\")for(var o in t)n.d(i,o,function(e){return t[e]}.bind(null,o));return i};n.n=function(t){var e=t&&t.__esModule?function e(){return t[\"default\"]}:function e(){return t};n.d(e,\"a\",e);return e};n.o=function(t,e){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,e)};n.p=\"\";return n(n.s=80)}([function(t,e,n){\"use strict\";n.d(e,\"a\",(function(){return o}));n.d(e,\"b\",(function(){return r}));const i=\"https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/framework/guides/support/error-codes.html\";class o extends Error{constructor(t,e,n){const i=`${t}${n?` ${JSON.stringify(n)}`:\"\"}${a(t)}`;super(i);this.name=\"CKEditorError\";this.context=e;this.data=n}is(t){return t===\"CKEditorError\"}static rethrowUnexpectedError(t,e){if(t.is&&t.is(\"CKEditorError\")){throw t}const n=new o(t.message,e);n.stack=t.stack;throw n}}function r(t,e){console.warn(...c(t,e))}function s(t,e){console.error(...c(t,e))}function a(t){return`\\nRead more: ${i}#error-${t}`}function c(t,e){const n=a(t);return e?[t,e,n]:[t,n]}},function(t,e,n){\"use strict\";var i=function t(){var e;return function t(){if(typeof e===\"undefined\"){e=Boolean(window&&document&&document.all&&!window.atob)}return e}}();var o=function t(){var e={};return function t(n){if(typeof e[n]===\"undefined\"){var i=document.querySelector(n);if(window.HTMLIFrameElement&&i instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement){try{i=i.contentDocument.head}catch(t){i=null}}e[n]=i}return e[n]}}();var r=[];function s(t){var e=-1;for(var n=0;nt.length)e=t.length;for(var n=0,i=new Array(e);n